Jodie, Founder of JGBehaviour 

Separation Anxiety Behavioural Consultant 
MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour, Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer

Hello, I’m Jodie. My journey into dog behaviour began with my own dog, who struggled with severe separation anxiety after being rehomed. Through our journey together, I developed techniques that not only helped him but have since helped hundreds of other dogs around the world. I understand how deeply separation anxiety can affect both dogs and their owners because I’ve lived through it. With over ten years of experience and a deep academic background, I create personalised, remote training programs that genuinely transform lives!


Separation Anxiety Behavioural Consultant 
COAPE International Diploma in Canine Behaviour, Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer

Hi, I’m Christie. My deep dive into canine behavior was inspired by my dog, Cooper—a sweet yet incredibly sensitive boy who dealt with various anxieties, including a quirky fear of toasters. Cooper taught me more than any course could; he showed me the reality of living with a dog who feels the world a bit too intensely. My approach combines a solid academic foundation with the empathy gained from my personal experiences, allowing me to craft truly effective solutions for dogs suffering from separation anxiety.

You’re In Good Hands

Both of our Separation Anxiety Consultants have walked in your shoes.

They’ve endured the challenges of dealing with a dog suffering from separation anxiety and have successfully navigated their way to solutions that work.

This personal experience, combined with their extensive knowledge and professional background in animal behaviour, ensures that you are in the best possible hands.

Let us guide you and your dog towards a calmer, happier life together.